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Due to the on-going pandemic, we are participating in the ORFORD, GEDGRAVE & SUDBOURNE PARK GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME. This service may be utilised by any resident, regardless of their age, if they are self-isolating due to necessity, or as a precaution. If you would like to use this service, please telephone 01394 450235, and we can co-ordinate, with the volunteers, to ensure you receive a home-delivery free of charge, of your shopping. If you would like to telephone the shop, please call 01394 450204, or email:, we can proceed to make up your order to your requirements. We will then telephone you back, when your order is prepared, & request a debit/credit payment from you. Please note, we cannot take cash payments, for this service, and neither may any of the volunteers, this is to safeguard them and you. We will then communicate, with the GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME VOLUNTEERS, to arrange collection & delivery of your goods, which will be delivered directly to your doorstep. This service may also be utilised, in co-ordination with the volunteers, to collect goods from the pharmacy.

Please note, that their are boundaries to this scheme. I am hoping, that in surrounding villages, you may come together, and organise your own teams, whom we are more than happy to work with. Please communicate with us, and if required, as above, we are more than happy to make up orders, take payment over telephone, and organise collection through local groups.

Stay safe, and good health to you all.

Sue Cox.

******PLEASE NOTE, Email orders to the SHOP, if at all possible, as telephoning orders through, takes up time, which we urgently need to make others orders up in! Only telephone, if you have no internet access please. ALSO, PLEASE DO NOT SEND MESSAGES VIA THE WEBSITE, AS THESE TAKE LONGER TO REACH US AND CAN BE MISSED ALTOGETHER! Please email, or telephone 01394 450204, if you have no internet access.


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