Following a suggestion from one of our generous customers, who enquired whether it would be feasible to donate her Orford Store Loyalty Card points to the Community Larder, we have looked into this and are delighted to announce that in future it will be possible.
If you would like to donate your current loyalty card points to the Community Larder, please let a member of our personnel know, and we will be happy to accommodate this,. Please remember to bring along your loyalty card with you, to enable us to transfer across your current points, whether full-balance or part-balance.
We will also be accepting cash-donations upon behalf of the Community Larder, and should you wish to kindly donate to this very worthwhile cause, please inform a member of our personnel. It is heartbreaking to think that in 2022 such a service should be necessary, but please if you can afford to donate do so, as it is unbearable to think of any of our friends and neighbours having to choose between eating or heating in these turbulent times.
Please note that should you wish to continue collecting points for your personal use, you are under no obligation to donate to the Community Larder.